Saturday, August 9, 2008

Texas is Seriously Smokin'!!

It is 8+pm in Austin, Texas now but looks like 5pm in Singapore!! The sun works overtime here in texas..otherwise it'd actually pass as a great place to visit.

We landed in Austin at 5.30am in the morning instead of 11.20pm as planned due to the double flight delays frm LA to the transit state of Phoenix - there was bad weather there and Phoenix airport closed temporarily so we had to transit at Las Vegas - then frm Las Vegas to Austin there was another flight delay again due to bad weather wherever the plane was coming from. In all, we spent the whole day waiting for airport shuttle from Econolodge, went thru e super thorough and strict customs check at the LA airport, delayed flight at LA, delayed flight at Las Vegas, then supershuttle to Rodeway in at Austin where i'm cramming in now with e 3 guys.

Like seriously. Our luggage bags cover the entire room and walking to the teeny bathroom is hazardous itself. but the guys are nice. =]

It's not so bad travelling ard with the 3 smartasses after all! One's a Garang soldier - everything also whack, but he's our shen driver, one's a Great Map Reader and has face moisturiser! and the last is a walking calculator who takes very good care of me :) Go figure.

Well these 5 days have been really swell, altho we got REALLY LOST today finding our apartment ard the University..we walked the highway for 2 hours in like 38-40deg celcius!! Absolutely nuts la..we're all burnt already..Waikit's alr peeling!

okay anw downtown Austin is pretty cool..they're all about the Longhorn bull, which is their National mascot or sth..we got free T-shirts frm setting up accounts at the bank today! haha..but the heat is seriously's everything we were warned about..u think SG is hot? Wait till u come here when the very AIR u breathe in is toasted! Totally feels like we're walking in a grill. And u dont sweat much coz e air is dry and ur lips get all flaky..

lol alright that's enough griping abt e heat frm me..oh i have to say we got a really cool apartment today! but can only move in Aug 16 which is damn long which means we have to cram in this super small bunk for a coupla days more *urgh*.. i hope we'll be doing more travelling like to Canada or San Antonio for major shopping! haha like 1 more wk b4 sch starts anw..

Speaking of which..I MISS KR yo!! Wish i was there to watch the rethrone-ing of KR as Champions of e Chancellor's Shield! Wish i was there to watch Leo dance his elfish dance! Wish I was there to gasp at how much $$ we pooled for Flag this year! Wish i will be there when DnD starts to see more familiar faces with pageant titles! *sigh* oh and good luck my good pal WeeKiat (in ntu) for pageant! I bet u'll get Mr Personality or sth like that haha.. =]

oh i'm supp to upload pics frm LA's Manhattan beach & The Grove before i goes!

(will edit/post later haha upload super slow)

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