Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shatter Effects

I am fully aware that i've drifted again into one of those dreadfully blog-dry months... well, i don't want to be talking about work too much, and its not like i have been travelling at all ever since batam before work started - as predicted when we went on that short but precious trip. So, nothing really interesting except my awesome Katy Perry nails - more later.

The earth has continued spinning since my absence from this space though - General Elections (whoo i'm sure the pple at my old job must be having a field day/month since April started!), crazy sis up to more antics with colleagues (haha closer pals would know), and this week, for me a full week of  intensive Marketing Training at Shangri-la Hotel (Buffet lunch everyday *burps*).

But recently, as in today, i got pretty incensed over something that made me wanna put it up here. Maybe it's me being sticky or over-protective whatever you call it, but I REALLY CARE ABOUT MY BF's JOB.

Yep you heard me right. I am concerned about his bloody work/career. Which will most likely adversely affect his long-term health, which will very likely affect our long-term happiness, which is most definitely affecting our short-term quality time spent together!!!

DAMN YOU K*****!!!! I don't give a flying f*** about your annual bonus bomb. You can jolly well save (25% of) it! I rather pay you back for more hours at dawn where he can get his much-needed sleep. I rather pay you back for a less toxic working environment where young people our age should not be destroying our bodies in.  

Seriously, whatever happened to humane, workable working conditions?! What is a talented 25 year old first class graduate doing by squandering his youth and health (and gf time) at a department where his real talents are not put to use?

I mean, if you're gonna make him work from 7-9, at least make use of that brilliant brain in engineering/strategy and not let it rot around in the yard!

June was the promise made for transfer. Now we have to wait till Sept. 3 months more seems short but it is a painful 90 more days. I grieve for the quality time lost. Actually, I wouldn't  have flared up if not for the increase in workhours - not alternate Sundays off now but ALL SUNDAYS IN now. Honestly, i have never heard of a 7-day work week where the only rest you get is maybe half a sunday every week. And public holidays - Labour Day/Polling Day are just more opportunities to clock mandatory OT hours.

Where got energy to do anything else you tell me?! Zapped like a zombie is what you do to my once (not-so-long-ago) perky bf. So bloody unfair. If there was a union for this i'd have written them a letter already!

*Takes a deep yoga breath*

Hokay. That's it for ranting. Not much i can do for that poor helpless boy except compromise more (as usual) on transport - as in transporting myself back and fro to meet him. :(

So, anyway, here's the highlight of my weekend last week!! Katy Perry Shatter Nail Effect!!!
I've got Hot Toes... haha :D really an indulgence but worth the few grams of dead skin removed by the super hardworking pedicurist!!!

haha..ok picture does not justify glittery hot-pink colour of actual luminence.

Alrighty, time for bed!!

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