Thursday, April 28, 2011

Shatter Effects

I am fully aware that i've drifted again into one of those dreadfully blog-dry months... well, i don't want to be talking about work too much, and its not like i have been travelling at all ever since batam before work started - as predicted when we went on that short but precious trip. So, nothing really interesting except my awesome Katy Perry nails - more later.

The earth has continued spinning since my absence from this space though - General Elections (whoo i'm sure the pple at my old job must be having a field day/month since April started!), crazy sis up to more antics with colleagues (haha closer pals would know), and this week, for me a full week of  intensive Marketing Training at Shangri-la Hotel (Buffet lunch everyday *burps*).

But recently, as in today, i got pretty incensed over something that made me wanna put it up here. Maybe it's me being sticky or over-protective whatever you call it, but I REALLY CARE ABOUT MY BF's JOB.

Yep you heard me right. I am concerned about his bloody work/career. Which will most likely adversely affect his long-term health, which will very likely affect our long-term happiness, which is most definitely affecting our short-term quality time spent together!!!

DAMN YOU K*****!!!! I don't give a flying f*** about your annual bonus bomb. You can jolly well save (25% of) it! I rather pay you back for more hours at dawn where he can get his much-needed sleep. I rather pay you back for a less toxic working environment where young people our age should not be destroying our bodies in.  

Seriously, whatever happened to humane, workable working conditions?! What is a talented 25 year old first class graduate doing by squandering his youth and health (and gf time) at a department where his real talents are not put to use?

I mean, if you're gonna make him work from 7-9, at least make use of that brilliant brain in engineering/strategy and not let it rot around in the yard!

June was the promise made for transfer. Now we have to wait till Sept. 3 months more seems short but it is a painful 90 more days. I grieve for the quality time lost. Actually, I wouldn't  have flared up if not for the increase in workhours - not alternate Sundays off now but ALL SUNDAYS IN now. Honestly, i have never heard of a 7-day work week where the only rest you get is maybe half a sunday every week. And public holidays - Labour Day/Polling Day are just more opportunities to clock mandatory OT hours.

Where got energy to do anything else you tell me?! Zapped like a zombie is what you do to my once (not-so-long-ago) perky bf. So bloody unfair. If there was a union for this i'd have written them a letter already!

*Takes a deep yoga breath*

Hokay. That's it for ranting. Not much i can do for that poor helpless boy except compromise more (as usual) on transport - as in transporting myself back and fro to meet him. :(

So, anyway, here's the highlight of my weekend last week!! Katy Perry Shatter Nail Effect!!!
I've got Hot Toes... haha :D really an indulgence but worth the few grams of dead skin removed by the super hardworking pedicurist!!!

haha..ok picture does not justify glittery hot-pink colour of actual luminence.

Alrighty, time for bed!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Friday Morning


Sunny side-up on buttered toast  - a great start for the end of the work week! :) I had almost continued that first bite; it was so yummy!

♥  Thanks Ma!!  ♥

On other news, look out for my very first bus ad!!! Vaseline Healthy White SPF24 out in stores now! haha..ok the bus ad isn't too exciting, but it is my first!

Vaseline Healthy White SPF24 Triple Lightening Body Lotion

Work's pretty time-consuming, but I guess I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else other than where i am now - thank god for great bosses and colleagues (and ice-cream)!! 

But still...CAN'T WAIT FOR KOREA!!!

haha the bf's applying his exceptional research skills to book our hotel and planning itinerary now while i'm blogging away lol. i think it may just be a bit nuts to travel free 'n' easy to Korea despite my SUPER basic phonetic lessons in the Korean language. (i think i have to bring my Lvl 1 Korean handbook over there to help!!)

Oh wells, hurry up and hit me, June!!!