Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey, June

Well, things have been zooming so fast lately. It's a good thing I had the foresight to book my Korea trip one year ahead (last Aug!) for this June else I don't think I can ever get away - or dare to.

Having plenty on my plate is a blessing. I can't decide if it's healthy or not though. My body is definitely showing some signs of stress although the brain says push on.

Oh well, too many horrible things are happening to so many people out there sometimes I remind myself how puny and petty my complaints are.

I've always been paranoid about death. More so the death of my loved ones than of my own. For who bears the pain and loneliness but the one who is left behind? And I for one, cannot bear loneliness. My heart goes out to the people of Japan - be brave and stay strong!

Our lives are but wisps of flame wavering on a candletip. If the 2012 prediction is to come true, I definitely know who I want to be grabbing on to for dear life!

Don't you dare die before me. :X

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