Thursday, February 10, 2011

Info-Overload..Bring It On Baby!

Haha i'm abit crazy now. This week is officially my first full work week since the new lunar year started. And boy did the coy not hold back on the workload!!!

It has been an extremely long 2nd week of Feb for me!! (and it isn't even over yet!) I think the longer CNY break just made me realize how badly i needed a proper break. But, too late for that now, i can only continue sprinting into the distance for another...3 more months!

On the train to work today i was thinking to myself...why am i so physically/mentally exhausted after a mere 6 months into the workforce?? Then it occurred so obviously to me - Of all the crap that University teaches you to overcome, THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE THREE-MONTH BREAK TO LOOK FORWARD TO!! *sigh* I say, work life should be more like University, eh? Ok, granted we get paid instead of paying some higher power to lecture us, but if i could take a one month no-pay leave from work every year i think i would!

Hey hey, it's not that i'm complaining (yet)!! I can definitely say in the past 5 days i've been here i've learnt/seen MUCH MORE about marketing than i did in the past 5 years. haha.

Whew, i think i've aged a year already after this week. Travelling to and fro is really no joke! From 15mins away frm work to an hour each back and forth is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E. And people here work till really late. 

Well, other than that, i must start jolting the creative juices getting all stale and mouldy in that lil' brain of mine.!!!

Time to make my dream job come true!!  :)

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