Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Paris, tomorrow!

Well..the time has finally come for me to fulfill the dream of going to Europe (again), this time with more romantic company haha i must say. It's exactly 10 years - a decade - since i've been there in Sec 1; i'm sure some places must have changed.

Honestly, i can't remember much of it since we went on packaged tour and you know how they jump from place to place in spans of 1-2 days..i guess most of the architecture blurred into a mix for me.

But, i remember going up the Eiffel tower and getting scared s***less. Acrophobia lah. Fear of heights..even going up the SG Flyer was knee-wobbling. Oh wells. Hope this time it'll make a diff when i go up in the day! I will seek to get as nice a picture of it as the one above!!

Which brings me to the point about the itinerary we've got with us this time round. My very own packaged trip! The bf, being pretty free in his last sem with only FYP and design project, researched INTENSIVELY on our itinerary and it is now 30 pages long with 9000 words! Somebody please give him a pat on the back for doing 2 final year reports simultaneously!!!

Even i am awed at how magnificently hardworking he is! *Clap Clap!* My contribution - the places of interests..but the credit goes to him for 'connecting the dots' which is way how to go, how far from our hotel, what train, got student discount or not, what time the attraction closes, what the weather is like there and even reviews. Damn amazing.

I absolutely have to put this bright kid's picture here with our Europe Thesis:

Printed in colour leh! All 30 pages!

Thank you the-best-decision-i-ever-made-bf!! Our grad trip will be so AWESOME because of your fantastical brain! *muacks*

Yupyup 2am tomorrow night..Paris here i come!!! :)

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