Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Last Night in Kent Ridge Hall...

This is it. My very last night in the place i've called home for 4 years. i knew this day would eventually come..but reality is always the pain after a slap on the face. *sigh*

No words can describe the weight of knowing I will never again have this place to come to every night after a long day of work or even on days when i have no work at all. To play, to gossip, to laugh, to cry, to do anything i want at all..with the company of beloved neighbours.

Living in a semi-D has its perks..but hardly any friendly, talkable-to neighbys. :( was spent making goodbye cards to my precious neighbys..i tried to include most people already but abit shag to do too many in one day!! So to those who happen to read this space and see the pic below, pls do not be offended or anything! I just like to take pics of my rare works of 'art'. lol.

And this is my room for this past year..A307 (charlotte's ex-room):

It is messy, it is small, it is effective, but most importantly, it is mine.

I'll love you forever KR A Block!!

Thank you and Goodbye! :(

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