Monday, January 11, 2010

Marshmallow Brown

I haven't started on NY Resolutions yet but hey, i've already accomplished one! :)

my hair is officially......Marshmallow Brown!!

Haha, i know, that's not much of a resolution but it took me more than 6months to finally get my hair coloured! I'm really happy with the colour! It's not as light as it should be, but I find it suits me just nice! Like you know, glint-in-the-sunlight-when-you-swish-your-hair kinda colour tone. *beams*

I first saw this product around the time i started the internship last June, but didn't dare to try coz it's just FOAM leh. Usually normal dye paste already need at least 1 hour to set in, but this FOAM dye only requires 20 mins! So i was thinking it must have some kinda serious chemical might dry out your hair type. But after seeing the results from my colleague i got pretty convinced. And after today, i can safely say it is an awesome product! Okay, as long as you're not into serious dyeing i guess.

For only $19.90 and some foam fun i get my hair a shade chioer. And it's not drying at all! The chemical smell is tolerable, not half as bad as the swooning stench you get from a salon colouring session. I'm definitely gonna do this again as soon as this colour fades! :)

Yay new hair for a new sem! (School starts tmr and i have lessons at the NEW Moctar Riady Biz Building! Damn awesome. Will post pics as soon as i get some.)

Rest of the resolutions will come up soon. Lol..obviously attempting to procratinate less is not one of them!

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