Friday, January 29, 2010

Sawatdii Kha!!

Here's 44 'alphabets' of the thai language i will master by the end of this semester! Haha damn crazy..Xiaobai and me had plenty of fun attempting to draw the funny symbols and pronounce them properly in class. It's totally like going for choir since the Thai language has 5 different tones unlike Mandarin with 4.

And we even have a writing workbook! ---------->

The last time i wrote in one of these was like kindergarden??

But i love it!

Learning a whole new language now i know is not just the learning how to speak/write but actually immersing in the entire culture..some words are said without meaning - slangs, like how we say "ya?" or "hor" or "this damn dumb can" - the Thai say "na kha" non-stop.

Or at least my 3 ?Aacaans do. (Pronounce "?" with a glottoral stop like air stopping the throat before the word is said.)

Meanwhile, besides practicing vocals and phonetics in my Thai class, i've been religiously attending Choir practices every night as well. KR Choir!! I never thought i would. But i am. haha and this year i'll be doing my very first official concert with the KR Choir - AMPLITUDE 2010! It's pretty cool. We're singing 'Don't Stop Believing' & 'Somebody to Love' from Glee, and 'Beatles Medley' featuring my fav oldies like Let it Be, I Wanna Hold your Hand and Hey Jude!.

Damn awesome! :) Amplitude is this coming Wednesday, Feb 3rd at UCC Auditorium for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :)

Super Eggciting.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

2010 Resos

Almost forgot how sweet it is to be able to sleep in ALL DAY and not have to worry about homework. For now, at least. Despite my successful attempts at dieting a la eating less, i'm afraid maybe sleeping too much might contribute to gaining weight? Lol, unfound/unsupported phobias of the lazy i know.

Ahh, its just awesome la anyway. I'm not even sleeping late! Unless 1pm counts..and i wake like 11am? Then since it's a free day and i'm not going anywhere i read my super exciting heart-thumping action fantasy novel before i feel sleepy again and take a short nap from 3pm to maybe about 4, 5pm. And then it's almost dinner.

Haha, oh my i'm almost disgusted at myself! What happened to the 7am-7pm non-stop working routine?? I was more alive then, definitely. But no complaints here, sleep is luxury and right now i am filthy rich!!! Better treasure it before it expires haha.

Since i'm so free today i shall finally start on my long procrastinated 2010 NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!! (never too late!)

  1. Lose weight. (Sigh, unfortch Command is coming so i'm kinda obliged to get in more ways than one..but i'm getting there i think..)
  2. Thailand Trip!!!! (haha not really a resolution now since i've alr booked the tix and even planned the itinerary but i was serious about the dreaming of going there since 6 mths ago part.)
  3. Study Hard. (i know that doesn't seem like what i'm doing now, but it is only the 2nd week of sch and it's the last sem of my life so i am determined to get some decent grades at least.)
  4. Meet up with more friends. (i really should do more of that; if the mountains don't come to me, i shall call them out. or something.)
  5. Search for jobs!!!! (Definitely man.)
  6. Save more. (ok not really since i'm not earning $ now but i shall strive to not spend on unnecessary stuff.)
  7. Plan a nice grad trip. (To spend away #6.)
  8. Revamp my wardrobe. (usually i'm not that materialistic but seriously i've gotta stop wearing my old clothes and borrowing my sis's clothes before both her and the bf walk out on me. Also see #6.)
  9. Laugh more.
  10. Love more.
yup..okay that's about it for now i guess. I think i'm already starting on some of those Pilates for #1..i've signed up for 10 classes with Jennie from week 3 onwards! Mainly coz i really hate running, so its better to commit to class-based exercises. More my kinda thing.

Jobsearch phase this time is gonna be as tedious as the last; except this is for the REAL thang. Scary.

I think i'll focus most on Resos #9 and #10. :)

Monday, January 18, 2010

(This sem's) Gonna be a good sem!

Just booked my flight tickets to Bangkok, Thailand....6 days of shopping after CNY during the whole of week 7 of school!! Almost feels like SEP again haha. :)

i know i'm not exactly the exemplary student here, but it is my final semester of school life and i'm determined to have a swell time while i'm at it! Don't get me wrong though, 20 years of being in the SG system dictates that i had at a long headachey weekend thinking about missing 3 classes of Thai (so ironic right!) and 2 days of 20% attendance level 3 Biz classes.

But then i thought again, the biz mods are fine since i wont be missing anything much like quizzes or case discussions that week. So now my only prob is Thai coz quoting the Sis: "Skipping one Thai lesson is like forfeiting 50+ thai words/phrases so confirm damn hard to catch up".

Oh well, i am going on a practical trip to the motherland of that language itself aren't i? haha ok ya obviously i wont learn much thai there but hey! i've still got 3 s/us to put to use if anything happens! :) *justifyjustifyjustify*

LOL. Anw, it's all paid already too late for regrets!!! Whew.

Meanwhile i'll try to attend all classes religiously till then.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Marshmallow Brown

I haven't started on NY Resolutions yet but hey, i've already accomplished one! :)

my hair is officially......Marshmallow Brown!!

Haha, i know, that's not much of a resolution but it took me more than 6months to finally get my hair coloured! I'm really happy with the colour! It's not as light as it should be, but I find it suits me just nice! Like you know, glint-in-the-sunlight-when-you-swish-your-hair kinda colour tone. *beams*

I first saw this product around the time i started the internship last June, but didn't dare to try coz it's just FOAM leh. Usually normal dye paste already need at least 1 hour to set in, but this FOAM dye only requires 20 mins! So i was thinking it must have some kinda serious chemical might dry out your hair type. But after seeing the results from my colleague i got pretty convinced. And after today, i can safely say it is an awesome product! Okay, as long as you're not into serious dyeing i guess.

For only $19.90 and some foam fun i get my hair a shade chioer. And it's not drying at all! The chemical smell is tolerable, not half as bad as the swooning stench you get from a salon colouring session. I'm definitely gonna do this again as soon as this colour fades! :)

Yay new hair for a new sem! (School starts tmr and i have lessons at the NEW Moctar Riady Biz Building! Damn awesome. Will post pics as soon as i get some.)

Rest of the resolutions will come up soon. Lol..obviously attempting to procratinate less is not one of them!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brand New Semester for the Very Last Time

Just occurred to me that this would be the very last time i'm logging into CORS. (Yay rejoice!) haha well biz mods were never a hassle to bid for in the first place, especially so in the last semester.

This sem i'll be a super slack me, taking modules more for fun than anything else - i can't wait to learn a new language! I was always rather lazy to learn new languages in sch; i mean they definitely wont pull grades up and they do take up time. But heck, right now i have ALL the time in the world with only 2 main modules to clear to graduate and with 3 S/Us under my belt! (Yes i haven't touched ANY of my S/Us at all i'm a good student who takes all my Gem/Breadth grades. Lol speaks for my core mods :X)

But if only i could sell those useless S/Us for more general 2 semesters of SEP and internship have left my gen account barren so i guess i can't take Korean :( sigh. I really do wanna learn the language of my fav drama series! So, should be Thai then (that one can gimme advantage of bargaining power hehehe)..will see how.

Actually, right now i'm blogging to procrastinate. haha. I HAVE TO WRITE MY DAMN VW TESTIMONIAL MYSELF!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *SCREAMYELLHOLLER*

*Pui!* And i thought i could put my mind to rest after the 6months of work. It is time for my slack sem to start!! I want my holidays nownownownownow! (yep this sem will be trip after trip overseas coz i owe that to myself!) I don't think any intern had to write reflection reports/testimonials for themselves before. Dammit la who ask me to be as lazy as my ex-boss (for now)..i should totally start now before it's too late and i forget everything abt what i did.

okay then, maybe i'll write down a list of my New Year Resolutions this year after i'm done. Been a while since i did that already. I think i procrastinated last year until it's already this year. -__- haha. *Takes a deep breath* Now, off to start that elusive reflection report......