Monday, June 22, 2009

Home Quarantine :(

The 4 symptoms of H1N1:

  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Sorethroat
  4. Running nose

Qn: Which of the above do you NOT have?

Ans: 2 (for now)

Well, that was yesterday at least..the morning fever did go down after the panadols but came back full force (38.3 deg) after 5 hours. But it went down completely this morning after my Ahma's super-effective LingYang or Deer's horn drink. Which led to a full night of perspiring between my sheets despite the aircon on full blast. Hardly a night I'd want to remember. So all i'm left now is the sorethroat; my nose isn't dripping anymore either.

But the doc specifically told me to STAY AT HOME. So much for my first day at work. Now i have to miss 2 days of it on MC. Hmm..usually something like this - being able to pon work is good news, but the problem is i haven't even started work!! (There goes that first impression)

Yep..well i'm not in the mood to blog much now..maybe later after i get some chow.

BRB then!

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