Friday, October 10, 2008

Sneak Peeks from Austin!

Since i have relatively more me-time now that there are less exams coming up, i shall blog a little bit more in the same day. I realize how dreadfully PICTURELESS my blog is!! It is time for some pictures taken from my ever-trusty K800 Sony Ericsson throughout these 2 months or goes:

Look at these totally postcard-worthy pictures of UT's clock tower during Orientation, called Gone to Texas! My phone is so awesome!

Can change color leh!!!And here is the school song. You won't believe it, but the tune follows the 'I've been working on the Railroad, all my live long day' song. -__- Super communist the words carefully!

okay a bit too white..if can't squint ur eyes hard enough..the lyrics go:

"The Eyes of Texas are upon you, all the live long day,

The Eyes of Texas are upon you, you cannot get away.

Do not think you can escape them, at night or early in the morn.

The Eyes of Texas are upon you, 'til Gabriel blows his horn."

Then when you sing the song you muz stick ur hand up and do the longhorn symbol with thumb over 3rd and 4th finger. Like how Big Brother right!! This is a paper fan given on the day btw.

Here is a picture of the tower at night. It's really quite chio la, beside the full moon summore.

Alright, shall post up some random stuffs i've seen and done here since arriving in August.

SO CUTE RIGHT!! It's a company vehicle for this restaurant near my place called Pluckers. They sell chicken wings in many many flavors, of course! The behind of the van got chicken feet sticking out also leh! Haha US cars are so amusing man. Got alot of more funky ones i saw zooming around the place..

Like this one!

Night activities..

This place called Sixth Street is where all the night bars/clubs are..and we checked out this really cool Piano Bar which is totally like the one in the Jay Chou 2 guys play against each other random songs..and they made up super witty lyrics on the spot for popular song tunes too! Like for this birthday guy who was made to sit on the pianos..

And i went to a House Party coz it was Chile's National Day!!

Kinda weird coz i was like the only girl at the party..but the Chileans (wearing red) are so cute la! They were super enthu talking about F1 cars and trying to teach us Spanish which was quite funny. But it was a friendly party la..just chatting, eating chips and drinking coke.

Grocery Shopping!!

haha okay it was for a and Waikit checked out this place called Whole Foods, which was like an atas version of Cold Storage or The Marketplace. All Organic Food.

Me and a Horny Mango.

First time i see Nut Burgers. I know got alot of squirrels here la..but no need to eat like them wad.

My favorite species of tomatoes! ;)

Alright, back to some more UT-patriotic stuff, our 1st Longhorn Football Game! Apparently, the UT football team called the Longhorns are really good at American football, like ranked top 6th or sth. Anyway, everyone we talked to told us to go catch a game coz the atmosphere is really very unique. And so we did!

Whee!! Lookee the millions of Orange and White people speckled behind on the 100,000 seat-full stadium! Attendance was 97,319 seats taken that day Texas vs Rice Game!

Oh i like this blown up football thing outside our house when we drove past..we live near campus so got super alot of school passion that day around our area - everyone wear Orange and super high etc. The football says University CO-OP, Game Day. The Uni Co-op rocks la! It has a million and one things in its store. But shall talk abt it another day.


Damn pro UT marching band doing their thing. Super zai and Super alot of band members can!

Okay..that's enough randomness and updates from my handy phone cam. Time to catch some sleep now!! :)


Anonymous said...

OMG LA HORNY MANGOS AND DIRTY GIRL TOMATOS.. sounds like you totally fit in la!!!!!!! Rox lol... hahahah

i want nice stuff hehe


*TiAnYing* said...

haha. EH. what fit in! kkk i getting u a mini football okay frm our national football team k!! :)