Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Amazingly High Level of Stress

I can't believe i actually did the very thing i thought i would never do in my life.

How ironic i'm studying marketing. Pfft.

Maybe its due to:
  1. Consumer Behavior Exam (Chp 1-9) - Oct 1
  2. Biz Finance Exam (Chp 1-7, no cheatsheet, memorise 34872394 equations yourself) - Oct 2
  3. Brand Management Assignments - Oct 1, 6 and 8
  4. Org Behavior Online Scenario Assignment Oct 5
  5. Leadership Issues Exam (6 Chps) - Oct 7
  6. Brand Management Exam (Chp 1-7) - Oct 8
  7. Consumer Behavior 10 page Essay + Interview - Oct 8
  8. Leadership Issues Bluebook Assignment - Oct 7

Today is Sept 30, 6pm.

I usually don't say this, but...GG lah.

Especially when my Finance exam is the day after tomorrow and i'm still trying to finish mugging for tmr's exam. And the 10 page essay. Oh, the 10 page essay...

And i nearly lost all the money i brought today ~ USD$8k. Don't ask.

I am a Suay-Bong. :(

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