It's week 10! Zomg.
Disgusting how time flies like that.
And of course, there's Command '10 the week before the last week of school..which means in 2 weeks!
Hmm..Breaking down the calendar like that really puts things into perspective. @__@ *nausea*
At times like this i almost feel scared. More like trepidation actually.
I'm finally getting down to Commanding!!! Practices have been going on weekly since last week, which was awfully close to the 2 weeks that are coming..i'm a little bit overwhelmed with the amount of dance steps i have to learn; mostly because i unthinkingly chose stage items of the same genre.
Oh God, how am i ever gonna remember 6 different dances?! I can hardly keep up with mass dances much less this now!! I really wish i chose playing in a band though, i do miss playing music terribly, but it is a little late for that already...
Let's say i'll be doing something totally beyond my wildest abilities then. haha. *prays hard* Will. Need. Miracle. To. Look. Hot.
Can't wait to see how everyone's been practicing their items, really hope this year's performance will work out smoothly! (Lord knows the management is pretty weak -__-)
Nonetheless, the items chosen seem entertaining enough for our 'usual' taste, and with the number of popular personalities onstage this year, my bet goes with the audience laughing >65% of the time at least. :)
Oh, and i almost forgot to mention that i really like our FYF T-shirt this year! Cute + meaningful. *thumbs up* to Yanjie for his artistic skills with pixels! (Initially we wanted to put a turban on top of the pyramid, but hard to draw lah..ended up looking literally like crap. But i'm sure every FYF '10 who looks at the pyramid will subconsciously think of that now haha.)
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