Ahh, its just awesome la anyway. I'm not even sleeping late! Unless 1pm counts..and i wake like 11am? Then since it's a free day and i'm not going anywhere i read my super exciting heart-thumping action fantasy novel before i feel sleepy again and take a short nap from 3pm to maybe about 4, 5pm. And then it's almost dinner.
Haha, oh my i'm almost disgusted at myself! What happened to the 7am-7pm non-stop working routine?? I was more alive then, definitely. But no complaints here, sleep is luxury and right now i am filthy rich!!! Better treasure it before it expires haha.
Since i'm so free today i shall finally start on my long procrastinated 2010 NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!! (never too late!)
- Lose weight. (Sigh, unfortch Command is coming so i'm kinda obliged to get in shape..in more ways than one..but i'm getting there i think..)
- Thailand Trip!!!! (haha not really a resolution now since i've alr booked the tix and even planned the itinerary but i was serious about the dreaming of going there since 6 mths ago part.)
- Study Hard. (i know that doesn't seem like what i'm doing now, but it is only the 2nd week of sch and it's the last sem of my life so i am determined to get some decent grades at least.)
- Meet up with more friends. (i really should do more of that; if the mountains don't come to me, i shall call them out. or something.)
- Search for jobs!!!! (Definitely man.)
- Save more. (ok not really since i'm not earning $ now but i shall strive to not spend on unnecessary stuff.)
- Plan a nice grad trip. (To spend away #6.)
- Revamp my wardrobe. (usually i'm not that materialistic but seriously i've gotta stop wearing my old clothes and borrowing my sis's clothes before both her and the bf walk out on me. Also see #6.)
- Laugh more.
- Love more.
Jobsearch phase this time is gonna be as tedious as the last; except this is for the REAL thang. Scary.
I think i'll focus most on Resos #9 and #10. :)
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