Here's 44 'alphabets' of the thai language i will master by the end of this semester! Haha damn crazy..Xiaobai and me had plenty of fun attempting to draw the funny symbols and pronounce them properly in class. It's totally like going for choir since the Thai language has 5 different tones unlike Mandarin with 4.
And we even have a writing workbook! ---------->
The last time i wrote in one of these was like kindergarden??
But i love it!
Learning a whole new language now i know is not just the learning how to speak/write but actually immersing in the entire culture..some words are said without meaning - slangs, like how we say "ya?" or "hor" or "this damn dumb can" - the Thai say "na kha" non-stop.
Or at least my 3 ?Aacaans do. (Pronounce "?" with a glottoral stop like air stopping the throat before the word is said.)
Meanwhile, besides practicing vocals and phonetics in my Thai class, i've been religiously attending Choir practices every night as well. KR Choir!! I never thought i would. But i am. haha and this year i'll be doing my very first official concert with the KR Choir - AMPLITUDE 2010! It's pretty cool. We're singing 'Don't Stop Believing' & 'Somebody to Love' from Glee
Damn awesome! :) Amplitude is this coming Wednesday, Feb 3rd at UCC Auditorium for FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! :)
Super Eggciting.