Thursday, August 9, 2012

National Night 2012!

Didn't get to watch NDP live this year (coz we didn't opt for sponsorship so no tix) but managed to catch the fireworks from MBS and boy was it good this year!

Haha actually i think its good every year - fireworks never cease to bring joy to people! But this year there was like 5 bursts of fireworks and we left after the 4th one, thinking it was the finale coz the explosions were just spectacularly crazy, bursting one after another non-stop. But just as we went back inside MBS, there was a final series of booms which we caught from the glass ceilings of MBS - so that's what those are for - and it seems the NDP team still manages to outdo their previous year's performance again.

Recently there's been avid rumours about (the end of) LKY's longevity, but then i heard he was at NDP today. Really hope he hangs on and stays strong for a longer time! Can't imagine what SG's like without our living icon. Of course life will go on blah blah..but i think it's just depressing if that happens.

Ok anw i wanted to post a funky NDP song here which i really impressed me - haven't heard one for the longest time. Kudos to Mentos-the freshmaker for its originality!!!  :)

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