Sunday, February 26, 2012

Happy Birthday ♥!!!

To my most loyal blog-reader and fan, HAPPY zomg-you're-27 BIRTHDAY!!!  *muacks*

Here's a post dedicated to you - although you've been in almost all my other posts already, haha.

On this very special day, I want to thank you for:

1) All the amazing adventures we have had together....

2) Taking me Far Far Away when i really need to escape...

3) Integrating super well with my big Family...

4) Making us such a great Team everytime...

5) Bringing FUN into my life!

Which is also why, even though you sometimes still act cute when you're not that young any more....

I totally forgive you and secretly try to make you organically grin like this:

Just because it is when you are REALLY cute and that happiness that shines from within makes my heart glow too. :)

Happy Birthday again to my favourite person on earth - i hope you like your new professional-looking Buffel bag (i will definitely look forward to helping you trash that free laptop bag)

Love ya lots!

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