Sunday, January 30, 2011

Koped this off the net...

Never knew SG had such drool-worthy property!! But want to get a cheap 1000 sqft place also can throw blood wait 100 years (ok but this article is abt rich ppl private property la). Then again, no harm checking out these superstar-looking cribs! :) 

Singapore’s coolest homes

By Singapore – January 27th, 2011

Most of us are content to make do with the exterior of whatever home we live in and devote all our energies to fixing up the interior. For some people, however, with the vision and – let’s face it – the money to achieve their dream home, we present four of Singapore’s most irresistible properties.

S House at Lorong Selangat near Serangoon Gardens

(A view to kill… for. Stunning design at S House. Image courtesy of Formwerkz Architects.)

Looking like it belongs in the playgrounds of California’s super-rich movie stars, S House simply oozes “cool” – that much is clear as soon as you spot the 25-metre swimming pool, carefully crafted lawn, and eye-catching exterior. Four airy floors, each leading to radically different design spaces, seem crafted to simultaneously fulfil two tasks: impress first-time visitors, and act as the backdrop to an awesome house party. One floor, dramatically lit, looks like the set of a 70’s shindig. Climb the stairs and you’ll be led into an airy living room, all quirky niches and high ceilings, which catches the afternoon sun. As does the jutting al fresco area, which overlooks the pool and could comfortably hold a score of boisterous family and friends.

Blair Road

(The stark white, minimalist interior of Blair Road. Image courtesy of Ong & Ong.)

This particular stretch of road is wall-to-wall with achingly beautiful, classic shophouses, but one in particular belies its antique façade with a modern, chic interior. With clean, zen lines and stark white walls creating an air of boundless space, the overall impression is one of peace and simplicity. However, with a continuous first floor layout between the kitchen and living room, the respectably sized first floor makes a great party area. Up top, a cosy roof makes for a more quiet conversation spot, more suited to passionate declarations of love, sun tanning or an after-work drink. Possibly all three, if you’re lucky enough to live such a lifestyle.

Sun Cap House

(Soak up the rays at Sentosa’s Sun Cap House. Image courtesy of Wallflower Architecture + Design.)

Though situated in Sentosa Cove, where Singapore’s millionaires live cheek by jowl and yacht-to-yacht, Sun Cap House manages to create an air of splendid isolation.

Its thick, nine metre-high wall has something to do with this, wrapping protectively around the property without compromising the view of the surrounding waterscape, or halting the occasional balmy breeze. Highlights of this villa include wall-sized windows that amplify the feeling of boundless space, ceilings high enough to incorporate indoor trees and a mosaic bathroom that wouldn’t have looked out of place in old Pompeii. All in all, this is definitely a house that could appear on MTV’s Cribs.

 Ewart Park

(Nature on the doorstep at Ewart Park. Image courtesy of Wallflower Architecture + Design.)

Seamlessly integrated into the surrounding greenery and stillness between the Bukit Timah/Holland Road area, this home feels like a true haven from the hustle and bustle of city living.

White stucco mixes with warm woods and stone in the foundations to create a spa-like feel, and the rooftop infinity pool perched halfway into the jungle certainly helps. As functional as it is stunning, the pool also thermally regulates the floors directly below it, providing natural coolness which amplifies the edifice’s air of tranquillity. The result is a living space where residents need not rely on air-conditioning, and can instead bask in the freshness and comfort that come with living in natural temperatures.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sun-kissed Happiness! :D

And i did go para-sailing!! See my happy pic:

Haha it was fun but wayy too short! I think the guy undercut me..coz wl was up in the air for much longer until his hair got permed Fido-Dido style.

Well, Batam was exactly how my lil' bro described it - barren with not much to do - but the service at Harris Resort was excellent! I would even go the extent to say, the service there might have qie-ed all the hotels i've been to in the USA and Europe. No, not might have. Confirm!!

Ok la, granted nobody goes to Batam except bored (cheapo) S'poreans and bored tourists from S'pore. Coz the hotel definitely seemed to have more staff than customers on Friday and Monday. But at least they kept their enthusiasm and almost everyone greeted us all times of the day when we passed by. That's what great service is!

Anyway, we also went to Nagoya Town, the downtown area of the island for a lil' shopping. Well, i wouldn't really call it shopping la. It really was a larger version of Queensway Shopping Centre, like my bro said. haha. But their supermarket was SUPER neat!! It was very funny coz wl noticed that after we took 2 cans of green tea off the shelf the supermarket attendants immediately went to arrange the cans. Check out their overall layout:

 Machiam supermarket ad campaign right!! Either their service is damn good, or they got nothing to do, or will get salary cut if the supervisor sees a dent in the shelves, or there are simply no customers taking things off the shelves. I'll go with the first option. Service Ups man!

And then we saw this on the shelves:
A whole shelf of fireworks and explosives!! Look at WL's excited face haha.

Let me post a closer picture.

Oh, these sure bring back memories of our first DIY fireworks in Texas! Looks the same albeit larger version. Wish we could have bought these back to SG, if only we didn't have so many high-rise flats -__-....among other laws... 

So no DIY fireworks this CNY (haha as if there was ever), but we did get the famous Kueh Lapis that both our moms were raving about. I didn't know that S$20 for a big box of Kueh Lapis was considered cheap, if not we would have gotten more boxes of the really fragrant cakes!

The rest of the time spent in Batam was in their big pool, shooting hoops in the water. We played with the ball so much that the swimming pool attendant gave us the ball when we got towels on the third day. haha.

haha. ok lame. Yupyup, other than that, their massage package isn't much to rave about, maybe coz we booked the 8pm-11pm slot (it was a 3hr spa sensation package) and the masseurs were probably too tired or sth. But they had an awesome foam milk bath thing which was SUPER FUN! Lol. Maybe that's what foam parties feel like! We might actually consider having a big bath tub for foam baths in our house next time. heh heh.

Alrighty, end off with a nice pic of my newly Chestnut-Browned hair! :) New hair, for new career tomorrow!!! Woots!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Brand New Day

Funny enough, i don't regret writing that last last post (which is now saved in my drafts for my future reading). It wasn't a bad post, and actually, if i think on it again. I almost feel like re-writing that topic because the anger/wei-qu-ness still hasn't subsided.

But having dabbled in both the trades of Headhunting/HR and marketing with New Media, and recently in Communications, yeah. ok la. not very wise to bitch online. i should just remove my name here man. -_-zz

I've been very fortunate to have met very very cool bosses before - actually, everyone i've met before this were all exceptional bosses, some i still meet up with occasionally.

But somehow, i have to find a way to ditch this pent-up anger from the past 3 days of this week. Maybe i shall finally go para-sailing at Batam tomorrow! And spend a hellotta money on non-stop massages. And maybe eat lotsa seafood!! :)

Because, yesterday was THE LAST STRAW. Umbridge almost didn't let me go until past 6pm - to freaking clear my equipment with IT/HR. And it was just disgusting la. Harping on the most trivial of things at your level. *mega-big puff of wei-qu breath*

Ok but i shall let this go. i shall let this go. (before this evolves into the same post again.) Woah. I'm usually not so easily pissed with a person like that! It's all been accumulated these 140+ days.

Anyway, as indicated by the title of this entry, it is a brand new day! It's like i've shed old skin for new and it's time to show the world what i've got. But first, new hair colour and well-deserved weekend trip here i come!! :)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


*Ques the song "Freedom"*

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Helloooo New Year! :)

I'm such an inconsistent blogger, i know. So terrible! All i've been wanting to do is chill in front of my laptop watching How I Met Your Mother - totally love it! These few days/weeks seem to have passed by in a flash! X'mas, then new year's eve..and 2 days, it'll be my first and last biggest event at this company.

And in 3 days. Goodbye.

5 days - Batam for a short, very much needed getaway.

10 days - Life in a brand new company.

Ohmygawd like..BREATHE DEEP and GO!

Ok i admit. I haven't been stressed about work per se. No i haven't. These past 5 months here well, reminded me pretty much about life in NUS Bizad. haha. If you know what i mean. But, emotionally. *whew* i really needed to let this go.

It's like, i haven't been blogging coz i don't want to talk about sucky things like how i don't feel i'm contributing or how sometimes it seems like i haven't/won't ever be making even a dent by leaving.

As the ex-boss said..don't outstay your welcome. It's definitely time to go (even though it seems premature).  But i'll miss the (other) people here quite a bit - my first friend here, my constant lunch buddy when i just wasn't in the mood to entertain certain people, my new-found friend - thank god for calling me out for teabreaks every day! My induction pals - you are all going to be great people. And of course, i'll definitely miss the Ultimate Office Location.

Clearly, these aren't the right reasons to stay despite my strong sentimental personality. Afterall, what is in a job...but to learn and contribute to society (in general)? I'm definitely not striking both these basics off the checklist here.

Well, on a brighter note! It's lucky i'll be moving one of the greatest consumer goods company in the world, no less! :D

Sneak peek at some of the brands that have touched so many people's lives!!

Hooboy, i'm already excited. And, this time, I WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE.  :D

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


10 Days and counting...

Aiyar no time to blog man these few days are so freakin' packed i have to go now coz every shred of a second is so precious. Be back soon! *grimace*