Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy Things

October really has brought a bountiful of good tidings!

Dad's 60th Birthday - 11 Oct:

There..looking all Emeritus-like (that is actually a pretty suitable title for him soon..) with the glorious night scenery behind. At Equinox restaurant 70 storeys above ground.

Tingling's newborn baby girl - 15 Oct:

Look! i caught her doing a pukey face haha super cute!!

My first time carrying a newborn baby! I'm usually really apprehensive about carrying babies - coz i think i let my baby cousin roll down my legs (while sitting down) once when I was in Primary School, and thus developed this phobia. But this baby is super 'adult-friendly', cute and tiny!!

Congrats Tingz!! Add one more girl to our gang ♥

Our 55th Monthliversary - 21 Oct:

Roses to the office - really makes the end of an almost-sucky work week NOT sucky at all! :) Although there wasn't any sign off, when the note read "Loving you for as long as you can count"...there was no doubt who the bouquet came from.

Yes deardear, i almost mis-counted the number of months..we have clocked such a ridiculous number maybe its time to start something new to celebrate. ;)

Lovin' you always too! ♥ and i must say, the flowers are really gorgeous! :-*

November Getaway!!! WOOHOO~

Hellooo GOLD COAST Australia in about 10 days!! I can't wait to soak up your lovely sun, sand, sea!!! And ROLLERCOASTERS here we come!!! :D

Ahh how i love the end of the year! :)

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