Wednesday, August 31, 2011


TW came up with the brilliant idea of organizing another laolang/juniors gathering today at Audrey's make MOONCAKES!!!

Best idea ever. I remember the last time i made mooncakes with my ahma was like..14? Or maybe earlier, can't recall. I brought the same traditional moulds for us to use this time.

See utensils:

One interesting thing we all learnt today: Salted Eggs come with semi-solid Egg Yolks!!! Damn cute! So all we had to do was drain the whites and all that's left is the bright shiny red centre!

So cute right!!!

Okay actually we cheated coz we bought instant mix for the flour skins and ready-made lotus/green tea paste for the fillings. So it was basically just playing with dough the whole time. hahaha! Check out the guys fooling around with the dough. ALL the bing-pi had Ian's 'essence' in it coz he was the one kneading everything.

Step 1: Grab the bing-pi and flatten it.
Step 2: Grab a ball of lotus paste or green tea paste.
Step 3: Wrap the ball of filling (optional to wrap around egg yolk) with the bing-pi.
Step 4: Press the whole dough into the mould.
Step 5: Pop it out, put it in the fridge and its ready to eat!

The fruits of our labour:

My ahma's traditional moulds are super pretty!! It says 中秋月饼 in different shapes.
In total we made like more than 40 pieces. haha super high.

Stephen even made a damn weird 2 flavoured combi which was half green and half white outside, with half green tea and half lotus paste on the inside. lol. but the picture not v clear la.

Yup, another successful outing down! :) Thank god for A Block, seriously!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Nowadays, my favourite word is the word "NUTS".


  • My dad went nuts over the weekend - same issue, same insistence.
  • Work - gone nuts. 'nuff said.
  • Flight at 5am tomorrow and I have damn siao-on project-mates whom i just emailed to say i'm zaoing after not really contributing...(walao it's a freakin' training course la take the assignment so seriously for freak?!) okok that's not really my work attitude but i kinda have to prioritise stuff. :X
  • i'm turning 24 in 3 days and i'm spending it with some tmd colleagues whom i booked tickets to Bangkok with on a force-myself-to-socialize whim. Gotta feeling this won't be my most favourite holiday...
Hmm. Sometimes i feel like taking the advice pasted beside one colleague's desk:

Maybe it might just work huh?

Oh well, hello bangkok again (in 5 hours)! Please be kind to me if i'm forced to drink (copious amounts of) Chang beer!!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

NDP 2011 - Heartbeat

Managed to get tix to watch NDP live this year coz we sponsored stuff for the participants' goody bags..Been a super long while since i've been to NDP live - omg 13 years since?!

Well, i remember being much more excited then, and wanting to catch it again the year after. But that was when it was still held at the National Stadium.

So this is the first time watching the parade live at Marina Bay floating platform, and a very first live NDP experience for WL! (He was performing during pri 5 i think) 

Undoubtly, this venue is much more scenic than the one i went 13 years ago...although i seem to recall the atmosphere and length of performance to be more rowdy and longer last time. This year, the performance was based on a musical act, with 5 different scenes and a super catchy theme song.

But the coolest part was that with the available air and water space surrounding the stage, this year's NDP team took the opp to showcase all Navy and Airforce WOMD. haha super cool how they managed to weave those into the story - where the jet fighters and submarines/naval police speedboats arrived on cue during the show. Padang/National Stadium definitely had their limitations!

Ok time for pics..not many coz we focused on watching and waving the flag haha..

Downloaded the photosynth app and got a panoramic shot of the view!! but not v well taken la haha..

Showing off his patriotism 

Red Lions landing perfectly on the tiny little road on the platform. Last time Padang alot of only got one lane to land..still so zai!!

During the National Anthem..flag flew by right on cue! 

 Gorgeous evening scenery

Stage view at night

Pledge Moment with all participants

Somehow my iPhone managed to capture a subtle glow from behind the CBD area..the phrase 'qian tu guang ming' comes to mind!!

Okay, end off with cute polaroid the NDP volunteers were giving out to members of the public. (Super off-centre but still nice! :) ) 

C'mon Singapore..gimme a good bto!!!


Found these bookmarks/notes coincidentally immediately after the previous gloomy post (removed btw).

I'm sure I kept these on my messy desk for a reason haha..

The brown bookmark reads "God hath not promised skies always blue, but strength for the journey all the day through".

Garfield bookmark says "i live for weekends"

On other news..i forgot the password on my old trusty Uni-days Fujitsu laptop!! (Haven't had the motivation to turn it on since it was loading too slowly..been using my small netbook since graduation!) Apparently there is really no other option for people to access their laptop except to get somebody else to hack into it... :S

What can i do?? :(