Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random Blog Post :)

Ahhh these days are simply NUTS!! Couldn't get down to writing the rest of the Seoul Experience coz the week after (last week) I got last-minutely whisked off to KL for a 4 day training course cum meet our M'sian counterparts session with the colleagues.

And finally now when I finally came home in decent time (before 11pm) after chionging to gym for an hr and skipping dinner for the 2nd time in a row, I HAVE NO LAPTOP TO BLOG.

Haha such a mouthful.

Left the lappie at the bf's place last wk coz was too lazy to bring it back. So now having one of those random and rare entries on the iPhone. Hmm. Not v blog-friendly actually. Or maybe it's Blogspot.

Ok la just posting for fun actually. To dust a bit of cobwebs off this little forgotten space. Shall end off with a picture or two of my latest campaign.

Anyone seen this around? I decorated 2 major Mrt station doors - Jurong East and Outram (NEL). Keep your eyes peeled when you do spot them! Got effort one lor!! :)

 Omg cannot post pics frm phone to blog?! What kind of sucky phone is this??? Or maybe is I noob nv upgrade my OS. :S oh well, will upload as soon as I get to work laptop tmr then! Time to koon now!!

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