Sunday, March 27, 2011

B&J's for Japan!

It's so awesome to know that my company owns some of the most pro-World and eco/social-friendly brands. No, rephrase - my company itself is quite pro-eco/harmony/world/peace etc.

As such, i don't mind taking a couple of hours off an empty Sunday to help out with this!!!

haha so exciting! Relive my BnJ's Scoopie days (although under different co) for a good cause! Yay get to watch concert also woots!

Peace, Love & Ice-cream yahooooo!! :D

Update: Aiyar didn't work out in e end coz my colleague couldn't make it and i didn't wanna go by myself. Ended up watching Jumper on Ch5 which was also not bad la. -__-zzz

Monday, March 21, 2011

That's what I call..a Date!

Haha albeit a short but fulfilling one on a sunny-after-rainstorm Sunday evening in small lil' Ass-Gee.

Picnic at the Botanic Gardens and Ice cream at Dempsey's!! First time both of us been there together. Arranged by yours truly. Of course with my partner-in-crime, the highly-demanded 4-wheeled drive. (oh, tgfc! Thank God For Cars!)

The weather was awesome after the noon downpour. Refusing to bring ridiculously un-nourishing and unsatisfying sandwiches for a picnic dinner, I had arranged for my mum to help prepare her infamous herbal chicken.
Posing with my free Wall's Share Happy ice-cream bag! Super look like ambassador can.

Tian Xia Wu Di Yummy Herbal Chicken!!!

Chicken and Rice = Everything Nice!

So we did end up eating kinda unglamorously on the grass beside the outdoor symphonic band performance, but our dinner thrashed all the other picnickers' tenfold! Haha. Not that it mattered...except we attracted a really hungry dog who dragged his kid towards us. Haha.

Love, love, loved the chillax scenery with the exceptional live jazz music! The whole place was full of foreigners sitting on the grass so it really reminded us of Amsterdam's Vondelpark. I must say NParks did a splendid job renovating and maintaining the park! My parents used to take us there to feed the swans when my sis and I were five. And wl and I actually both played live onstage during our jc band times!!

So, dinner went well except we had wet grass stains on our shorts coz my rattan mat was lousy. Well, when we get our own place and occasionally get to borrow the car, I'll definitely come back for more of the 'shan ming shui xiu' scenery!

Since Dempsey Hill was just literally across the road we drove there for some after-seven BnJ's!! (I have really gotta stay away frm ice-cream for 2wks!) haha happy you can tell from the pics. :)
BnJ's mini-van!

Ice-cream love

Oh, end off with a pic of the awesomely cute cum nerdy lil' gift that wl gave me for this 4th year anniversary. It's a Grow-it-Yourself salt crystal thing that has a lightbulb in the bottle cork! Pretty thing for a science experiment I say! Haha my gift for him this year was a wrapped-up a box of bird's nest and chicken essence because I honestly think he needs them. Lol not creative I know.

 Oh well, Happy 4th Year my best friend! Cheers to more wonderful days to come!! <3

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Amazing or what!

Saw this youtube on how Japan explains the nuclear problem to their kids. Super creative and mildly disturbing - because they are way too cool to still be able to do this amidst all the tragedy.

You go, Tofu man!! :p

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hey, June

Well, things have been zooming so fast lately. It's a good thing I had the foresight to book my Korea trip one year ahead (last Aug!) for this June else I don't think I can ever get away - or dare to.

Having plenty on my plate is a blessing. I can't decide if it's healthy or not though. My body is definitely showing some signs of stress although the brain says push on.

Oh well, too many horrible things are happening to so many people out there sometimes I remind myself how puny and petty my complaints are.

I've always been paranoid about death. More so the death of my loved ones than of my own. For who bears the pain and loneliness but the one who is left behind? And I for one, cannot bear loneliness. My heart goes out to the people of Japan - be brave and stay strong!

Our lives are but wisps of flame wavering on a candletip. If the 2012 prediction is to come true, I definitely know who I want to be grabbing on to for dear life!

Don't you dare die before me. :X