Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Just came back from a MBTI type psychometric session with the other newbies. The entire week has been planned out for orientation courses with 20 other new officers including a 2 day adventure learning camp in Pasir Ris. It's FWOC all over again but as a freshie! :X Don't know how that will turn out.

 So anyway, we had a 3 hour session with the orientation trainer who was... ..er never mind we're gonna have him for the whole camp so shall comment later -_-. It turns out that this time (since the last time i took it during my MNO course in yr 3) I am a ENFP which stands for:

Extraverted Intuition with Introverted Feeling - or Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception

I used to be an ENFJ, but i guess it doesnt really matter coz both my J and P results are like almost always tied. So i'm an in-between of ENFP and ENFJ.

Well we were given a booklet on all the different personality types describing how each personality is at its best, the characteristics, How others may see you, and potential areas for growth.

ENFPs are in short:
  1. Good at understanding how people and groups work
  2. Persuasive and compelling in pursuing what is important to them
  3. Adaptable, blooming where we are planted
  4. Our energy and enthusiasm encourage others to bloom as well
  5. Innovators, Initiating in projects and directing great energy into getting them under way.
  6. Value depth and authenticity in their close relationships and create and support open and honest communication
  7. Hate routine, schedules and structure
  8. Curious, creative, imaginative, spontaneous
  9. Warm, friendly, caring, coorperative and supportive
However, (and this part i find particularly true in recent events) - If ENFPs do not find a place where they can use their gifts and be appreciated for their contributions, they usually feel frustrated and may:

  • Become scattered, have trouble focusing, be easily distracted
  • Fail to follow through on decisions
  • Become rebellious, excessively nonconforming
  • Ignore deadlines and procedures
Well. I agree with the frustrated part at least. haha..not rebellious..yet. LOL.

Ok, i suppose this will be a fun-packed week with the camp coming up in 2 days..its time to expand my social (corporate) circle! *prays hard that my stupid 2-week old cough will go away by Thursday!!*

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