Saturday, September 26, 2009

F1 Rocks!

The good thing about working in an automobile co is that...sometimes you get FREE tickets for car shows like F1 Singapore Grand Prix or the daily night concerts that are going on from now till 26th Sept!

HAHA. Awesome right! (Altho it was like SUPER last min like 6pm after work then suddenly got. *rolls eyes* but thanks Friend! ;))

Ok nolar i actually had to turn down the free grand stand tix for F1 racing preliminaries/practice tonight coz i already bought tickets to NUS Dance Reflections concert in support of my neighby, Chinying. A bit wasted but Dance Reflections was surprisingly good!

But anyways! Went for F1 Rocks! concert last night and it rocked!! Haha duh. Apparently it's the first F1 Rocks! concert in history or sth. Concert line-up was all chinese rock that night: Big Mouth (Da Zui Ba - which was Ai Sha's new band), SodaGreen (SuDaLui - i actually recognized one chinese song frm here leh!), A*Mei and Jacky Cheung.

In short, the entire concert was pretty awesome with the A-class Celebs..except for a few (major) glitches in the sound system, i think i'll definitely try to go for more live concerts held at Fort Canning Park. Totally LOVE the atmosphere there! Note to self: Bring fan nx time though.

Also, i found out that A*mei has a new name - Ah Mei Te - Which honestly, i think is a weak attempt at revitalizing her brand name. -__- i think A*Mei sounds fine what! Watching her sing live was kinda surreal; i mean she was definitely professional (think Diva) even when her mike broke down.

But was a little disappointed coz i didn't know ANY of the new songs she sang - which was super rock and mainstream la! I miss her powerful lung-pulling slow songs like "Ting Hai or Wo Yao Kuai Le" - except her version of Keane's "Somewhere Only We Know", which frankly, although she pulled it off damn well, i thought she could have come up with a more modified version instead of singing it exactly the way Keane sang it. Oh wells.

Jacky Cheung was my favourite!!! Down-to-earth and sincere, he tried to sing rock too although it didn't fit him well but he was like "Qi Shi Wo Ke Yi Chang Rock Music De". haha cute guy. And at least he sang my fav "Ru Guo Ze Dou Bu Suan Ai" song.

okok less talk more pics goes!

F1 Rocks! @ Fort Canning Park!

Da Zui Ba - Ai Sha!

Close up to the stage!

Hot Pink Wristbands

SodaGreen guy


Live on Stage!

Jacky Cheung who totally looked like he came outta Condor Heroes

Gross Hair

F1 Rocks my Socks! :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Big Fat Excuse :P

I've totally neglected this spot!!! Too many things, too little time this September. Birthday post, KR DND '0910, JC Class gathering, A Block Initiation, Choir Audition, and 3 Car campaigns coming up frm now till Nov!!!

With full-time internship and nightly hall activities, i sadly regret not writing much. But i'm definitely feeling the weight of storing the memories up here *points to brain* and the result is being more cranky too since i havent been venting certain frustrations online..AND the poor bf is bearing the brunt of the emoness!!

Sorry deardear i will try my best to keep the emo down. And the fat as well! Sigh. Working life is NOT conducive for weightloss.

Alrighty, end here b4 e boss catches me. :S