Thursday, April 16, 2009

1 DAY TO SUMMER 2009!!!!

AHH. Break the emo post. haha okay lar the last post so super duper emo..what was i thinking?! Just one of those i'm-the-only-one-left-on-the-planet-feeling days..then everytime i look at my blog also emo again. *Shake it off*

But its undeniable how i've let myself go all pal-less recently..I shall limit the BF time from now on!!! Rarr..too much of a good thing can unbalance the whole yin-yang of one's life! Like totally. I can't believe how my social circle has shunken since. -__-


So here's a toast to me to return to those good old socially-rich seasons (oh so long ago), even if it means i have to join sports and run and sweat in front of people (as much as i hate running) or make a fool of myself, or to re-join my favorite $$-making committees in hall..and of course, treasure those around me muchmuch more..I SHALL DO THEM!!!

And i swear to up-there i will do Command for God knows my time is not up yet in KR!

Summer 2009 says: Bring me back my old self! Yes I can! :)

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