Monday, March 30, 2009


It's been a long while since i got sick. As in cough/flu/fever/wooziness kinda sick.

Argh. It's terrible! And of all times its the start of the 2 xiongest weeks of the sem!

3 presentations, 2 midterms in 6 days starting tmr. I can't wait for Good Friday!

On a better note, the cough/flu/fever/wooziness resulted from Friday evening's Cafe Cartel's St Louis Pork Ribs and Saturday night's Wu Zhao Pai (No SignBoard) Chilli Crab, fried squid, and cereal prawns. :)

Ok la, my fault! Cafe Cartel was the nearest thing me and Maoch found after flying on his private jet plane in Seletar Airport..(haha yes! More about that later). And my dad wanted to bring the family and AhMa for good food on Saturday, so i couldn't object, could i?

On top of that, i can't rule out the fact that the source of illness is the effect of non-stop i know what a full semester without a single final exam is like! *Sneeze*

*Immune System Breakdown!*

Oh, and last week was really exciting. I had the interview with Nestle for summer internship and i thought it went pretty well. I'll know the results this week so that'll show if they decided to choose candidates with better grades than me :/

And of course..flying on Maoch's jet plane over Singapore!

I'll let the pics do the talking...

Our (Tiny) Jet Plane!!

Us 2 as passengers! Excited on the runway..

Captain Maoch on the left with his trainer
Up, up and over Seletar Reservoir!

Puffy cloud under our wing..

The Causeway!

Me wanting to barf after 1 hour in the air (i didn't la, of course)

Flight! :)

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