Friday, January 16, 2009


Since when upon calling the next presentation team to get ready do profs say: "We might stop you anytime during your presentation if we find that your presentation is bad. Sometimes life is cruel and you will have to learn how to cope with it." And then during Q&A don't bother about that obvious emphasis of "IF THEY GET CHOSEN then say..etc."

WTF. 5 secs before my presentation. OUTSIDE the conference room. Just when we got ourselves all psyched up and ready to go. We hadn't even uttered a word nor batted an eyelid. So much for confidence in your Bizaders. As if this wasn't already my first shot at the game, it'd be nice to be shown a little respect for my hard work over the hols as well as given appreciation for actually signing up for the very thing you spammed our email boxes in desperation last year.

Man. Sometimes i don't wonder why my passion for Bizad diminished exponentially throughout the years. I want my old Bizad faith back! i used to love my faculty so...

Oh well, not to say my presentation didn't go well, it was decent enough for my first attempt - i didn't screw up my part! 'Cept that I just knew Q&A would kill us all with our lack of depth in some areas..but i guess we did handle it okay.

But it does make me sick in the stomach when i think about it..Usually after presentations I have that light, fluffy feeling (especially if i'd delivered my part well), this just left me in a pang of disgust. Urgh. I think the profs need to get exposed to some better educating skills - specifically, the art of positivity and encouragement instead of that negativity and 'discounting' students method they seem to derive sick pleasure from.


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