Friday, July 25, 2008

T'was a Perfect Ending I

[Friday, 18th July, 2008]

My last day at Firstwaters was a simple and sweet one. I was done with work before lunch, and was pretty much just meddling ard with my laptop - last few spins at Viwawa since it was a buddyless lunch again (an end similar to its beginning). The desk drawer was clear from any leftover work; in short, i was packed and ready to go by 3pm.

In retrospect, the 9 weeks in Firstwaters gave me the insight I desperately needed. A simple desk job in CBD with not too challenging jobscope, cliched but necessary for a newbie like me who'd only always been imagining city work life - 8-9am, 12-2pm, and 5-7pm rush hours. Well. Now i know THAT is at least true. Eew. Not my cup of tea if i can avoid it.

But the generousity of the Boss is supremely touching. From the 1st day to the very last and more, i can definitely say i wasn't mistreated; on the contrary I was very warmly welcomed and introduced to the cold, cemented working world with cheerful smiles and a daily mug of steaming soyabean drink. Later on, when it was apparent that I wasn't too comfortable with some things, she always took time to talk to me to ease any doubts i had. Ahh. What's better than a good boss? (Good colleagues of course but then again she was the only one i had)

I couldn't leave without giving her a token of appreciation - My original handmade cards! (the 'U're Cool' card i made for the only other collegue in e office who was a great guy - always dropping little notes of wisdom as he passed by my desk.)

To my Dear Boss:

Thank you so much for the past 9 weeks..i don't think i'll ever meet another quite like you (judging frm my peers' gripes). I'm glad you were the one who showed me the first step of this very long way and offered your many acts of generosity to such a newbie as I. You totally rock my socks!! =]

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Boss Rocks mY Socks yeah!!

Like totally!

Look at this GORGEOUS cake ---------------->>>>

my boss is getting it for me as present!! Like how cool can! is $389.00. No joke. Was already planning to get a cheapo cake when i suddenly chanced upon this one but had to resist coz of e crazy price. Man. My heart broke when i paid e deposit for e cheapo cake..but here i was today just casually chatting to my boss abt my party plans and showed her e pic of this beautiful cake online and how it'd be my ideal 21st bday cake..

Little did i expect her to pop e offer right after lunch! I tell u i am like damn shocked/touched/abitguiltyforbloggingnowduringwork/moved to tears la!! I mean. WHERE GOT BOSS SO GENEROUS ONE!!! I don't deserve such a great boss. Really. Not only does she buys me soyabean drinks almost daily since i stepped in and treats me occasionally at the best food places in our vicinity, she is like my personal mentor when it comes to the internship - picking up recruiting skills and so on.

oh thank you upstairs for all these blessings!

Speaking of which, I feel i'd be EVEN more blessed if my 21st BIRTHDAY WISHLIST was fulfilled too!! *hinthint*

1) SingFest '08 Tickets (esp for Sun Aug 03 got Jason Mraz!)
2) A pretty pink huge luggage for Texas!
3) A nice branded wallet
4) A pretty watch
5) Twisted balloons in every shape n colour!
6) Big metallic balloons in every shape n colour!
7) A nice sundress to add to my wardrobe
8) A FANTABULOUS PARTY on Sat 19/07/08!

yupyup..haha abit mei you tong nian esp after No. 4 onwards..but hey its my last time to be a kid~ alright will add more when i think of it ends now! =]

Thursday, July 3, 2008


Tick. Tick. Tick.


14 Days to End Internship!

15 Days to 21st Birthday Party!!

31 Days to Los Angeles!!!