I think it was Year 2 or Year 3 when Diablo II appeared in my life. It was then that i discovered a love rival as lethal and unrelenting as never before...
Now it's back to haunt my life again..this time in upgraded and improved version 3!!! Looks like i'm back to threats of "spend time with me or i will DELETE CHARACTER" for the next few months. I heard Diablo III has already claimed the life of some crazy gamer who played it non-stop for 72 hours straight after downloading the software!! *shakes head*
Well, this weekend i decided that if i couldn't destroy the game, i would at least LEARN how to play it. And so i had my very first taste of an RPG - Role Playing Game - and yes, i admit, i kinda have an insight now as to why it has consumed the endless hours and energies of gamer boys all over the world.
It truly is a brilliant business concept. And needless to say, the game structure itself is pure genius. Besides the exciting and very intense fantasy plot that is weaved into the game (apparently most people dont even bother to read the story as they just delve into the game), there is much interaction and engagement within the whole gaming community. Gamers don't have to play solo but can connect online to play in groups to complement their character strengths. And there's even a live auction (much like NUS CORS) where gamers trade weapons and magical instruments and the virtual Gold can actually be transformed to real world currency if gamers choose to buy the item using real $$. (Seriously why would anyone do that!!) I guess some gamers exploit this platform to earn $$. Which is not a bad idea if you're already hardcore in the first place!
Oh well, anyway my verdict is - it's still too dark for me. If only the characters were more colourful and bright! And there isn't so much blood..but i guess that will defeat the purpose since the whole game is about killing evil warlords and their monstrous creations/minions.
On other news, these few weeks have been the Hougang By-elections. Not that i'm any bit interested in the happenings, but FB has been force-feeding news into my mental space. Found out that a primary school classmate has apparently joined some Workers' Party Union of some sort..i don't really know what she's doing or where she's working at but she's been posting super blatant "WP Rocks PAP sucks" type of comments.
Whatever it is, i hate how ever since GE 2011 everyone's suddenly so opinionated about who's a better ruler in this place. Sounds abit like some of the fantasy war-related books that i've been reading. (Don't ask me why i've been reading such genres i just grabbed the books from my bros' room) Anyway, being opinionated is one thing, but then being outrightly critical and offensive/insulting/putting down is altogther another. Why so much negativity?!
Ok i shall stop here on my comments on the SG political scene. Back to stuff about my own life. Recently, work's been excruciating slow as I find myself lost and directionless about where i'm heading. Mainly due to fear and lack of confidence perhaps, but also, i think i need a break and start thinking about what i really want to do. I need to start proving my self-worth to myself!!!
oh how i long for my next getaway...
a little itty bitty paranoid about going to Japan but flights have been booked! :S