Command and leaving hall, Graduation, Finding my 1st Job, Getting my 1st Job, Planning for my future home, Planning for my long-term career, Getting that elusive, dream 2nd Job... ... etc. And in-between all these milestones, a handful of perfectly-planned and executed gatherings with my fav KR pals.
Whew, it sure has been a helluva ride this year! Especially these last 2 months! My heart-beat rate was kinda erratic the past few weeks.
Anyway, before the year waves its goodbye, here are the 3 things that i'm most grateful for in 2010:
- A super loving and doting other-half who's not only my best friend but the VERY BEST financial researcher you can get.
- A great family who's always supportive no matter what - actually they convinced/keep telling me to slap the head and follow the heart.
- Friends who will most probably be forever - as illustrated below at our soon-to-be annual X'mas party at Aud's amazing house:
The party turned out awesome, btw. Tons of food including roast turkey, ham, kuey pie tee, great pasta salad, and a chocolatey brownie cake mis-spelled with the words "Merry X'mas A Blk Angles"...what more could we ask for!
Pictionary, wii, monopoly deal and poker (which i won), plus a crazily amusing X'mas gift exchange session ended the night on a high note.
Well, here's lookin' forward to 2011!! :) Cheers!! ♥