My Very First Entry of my Very First Blog!!! ok i broke my own rule and decided to give in to the evil beckoning to join the proliferation of BLOGGING. urgh. haha ok like one decade after the craze. Well.. IT IS TIME.
Let me list down my reasons for this Paper to Pixels move.
- I'm tired of feeling guilty (yes i really feel damn guilty its like a catholic not going for confession) coz i hardly update my paper diary anymore - used to be updating at a frequency of once per fortnight, now its like ..1, 2, 3 months?
- My handwriting is getting worse. (what if somebody found it in the 30th century and can't decipher e symbols to storify my exciting life?!!)
- I'm like 24/7/365 on e laptop nowadays can.
- and finally...This summer is gonna be Sweet! =]
and. it's lasting like FOREVER. actually now it already feels like i'm alr halfway thru e hols coz e past sem was so darn slack too! haha i love my Varsity Life! yepyep.
Alrights i'm like typing this in front of my bosses at'm juz hoping they dunno what a blog looks like..haha. i'm real glad i got this internship even tho (as materialistic as i am) i know the name on my resume won't be worth nuts as compared to all my peers around me..even those with part-time jobs at banks fare better.
butbutbut..there's always NEXT summer for a nicer name and right now THE BOSS ROCKS MY SOCKS!! =] she's a portly woman who's a mix of my own ma and WL's totally..brought me out for lunch on my 2nd day and showed me ard our vicinity and lunch was on her summore..and then yesterday she got me to pick up some 20 bak changs frm Amoy St. and gave me one..super delicious + super got ai xin lor! and my lunch hrs are 12noon-2pm..which gives me ample time to get lost after eating (seriously. i'm v prone to that.) not mentioning the FOOD ard this place - my office building is smack between Amoy St. and LauPaSat. Byebye diet plans..
okay i had gripes abt this place at i had to bring my own laptop everyday to work..and i'm basically alone most of e time coz e bosses are always out..well, turns out..that is a FAB arrangement! the small office funnily enough doesn't feed my claustrophobia, but is quite a cocoon of peace when the bosses are not ard. And the flexi-time is great for upcoming Camp Blue Blood and all e preps!
alright shall end off here before i get caught. Will post some gory pics i took on Day4 of work when my blister burst frm all that getting lost in heels. lol. =]