Sunday, May 12, 2013

At this rate my blog will shrink into a miserable little space on the web.

I guess the blankness in this blog over the last 5 months speaks it all for me. In the past 5 months i went to hell and back, and revisited it several times. 

Oh god and I thought last year was bad. These last 6 months since October i didn't just take over 2 person's jobs but 3! I still love my job and company, i do. But dammit a sabbatical is much needed after May's over. The horror never ends! I already know the line up of projects and activations after next week's MAJOR MAJOR brand audit presentations and it ain't good.

I'm a dog running around with its tongue hanging out for way too long. Way too long. I'm so freakin' stressed out right now i seriously might have a major breakdown soon. My body literally is reacting negatively to all this stress - 13 hour workdays are the norm and i hardly have time for the gym anymore. 

And wl is also in the same kinda heat at work. 25th May is his project submission while 17th May is the day of my audits - i only met him for like 2 hours the whole week! :'(

I don't know how to let go of this. Maybe one day, when i grow up i'll look back and laugh at myself for taking all this crap. Hopefully i'll be wise enough by then - probably in a managerial role. But seriously this is way too much for one person - i hit new highs of tasks to accomplish in a short amount of time every month. At the peak of this craziness i was handling 4 key brands this quarter, all activating campaigns at the same time!

Sigh, ok enough ranting, i suddenly went mad for a while and decided to blurt all these out while crying my brains out. Too tired from staring at the laptop for the whole weekend. Time to use the rest of my Sunday to do what i can for the 3rd brand presentation deck.

Dear God, please send me some respite soon! 

P.S. Looking at the resos made from the last post, i think cannot hit target already - all fail! New goal for 2013: DO WHAT I CAN TO SURVIVE THE YEAR.