Friday, June 29, 2012

Land of the Rising Sun

OFF TO JAPAN for 8 days!!!! :D

Mount Fuji Konichiwa!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Swingin' away the blues

These days i find myself desperately finding stuff to do to fill my weekends to avoid the dreaded routine of killing time with the TV. Especially since there's not much to do in SG besides shopping/eating..

It's HORRIBLE. I've spent consecutive Sundays just burning time sitting in front of the black box watching endless TV shows just coz i have NOTHING to do. Like from 10am to 6pm. Then i get a massive headache.  

Doesn't help that Sundays are 'me days' for the bf. And i usually meet friends on weekdays for after-work dinners. i've tried going shopping with the mom but then i end up feeling guilty spending unnecessary $$! :S needtofindmoremeaningfulsundayactivities.

Anyway, so i was really glad that the cousins decided to do something different 2 weekends ago - Bedok Forest Adventure!!! Kinda like reliving our OBS days.

Technically, i didn't get to do any firefoxing during my OBS days. I remember when it was just my turn to hook the harness and experience the best part of the camp, the lunch bell rang. Or something along those lines..and the teacher-in-charge decided to let the last firefox opportunity go to an exchange student instead of me.

But, this time at Bedok Forest Adventure i sure did get my fill of firefoxing! 4 times in fact, and all 4 over water! (Was a bit disturbed thinking about recent news but it was still fun haha)
Didn't manage to take pics of the 4 sites of extreme treetop terrain but it was pretty much exactly like OBS, with all the hanging rope and getting from one swinging log to another at a height of 3 storeys. Definitely killed my fear of heights that day.
Just some pics of us fooling around at the training area after the whole thing: 

haha..need to find more activities to fill the weekends!!!