Monday, June 20, 2011

That thing he's sucking on...

...must either be steroids or some really smart shtuff!!!

Jack and the Beanstalk by Super High Baby


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Song of the Month

Love this old favourite. Super apt now especially after this freakin' stressful week!  :|

Aerosmith - Fly Away

Gotta find a way
Yeah, I can't wait another day
And nothin' gonna change
If we stay around here
Gotta do what it takes
Cause all in our hands,
We all make mistakes, yeah
But it's never too late to start again
Take another breath
And say another prayer

Then fly away from here
Yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly

If this life
Gets any harder now
It ain't no nevermind
You got me by your side
And anytime you want
Yeah, we can catch a train and find a better place
Yeah, cause we won't let nothin' or no one keep gettin' us down
Maybe you and I
Could pack our bags and hit the sky

Then fly away from here
Yeah, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hopes and dreams are out there somewhere
Won't let time pass us by
We'll just fly

Do you see a bluer sky now
You can have a better life now
Open your eyes
Cause no one here can ever stop us
They can try but we won't let them
No way

Maybe you and I
Could pack our bags and say goodbye

Then fly away from here
Honey, I don't care
We'll just fly away from here
Our hope and dreams are out there somewhere
Fly away from here
Yeah, anywhere
Honey, I don't, I don't, I don't care

We'll just fly away Korea in a week!!!! :)

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Lavender's Blue

Fun stuff I did this weekend: Revamping the Bedroom!!! Not mine, of course - firstly, it's too big and (overwhelmly) full of random stuff from since I was in Primary school, and secondly, the roomate i.e. the sis will want a say in everything and we would probably be arguing for one full day before any work was done.

Anyway, I digress. The Saturday was spent revamping the BF's little cosy HDB bedroom! Ahh, the things you can do with a 10sqft space! Haha..okay actually not a lot, given the standard 1980s colour-matched 5-piece bedroom furniture set that had settled in since, well, the 1980s.

I must say, though, the 25 year old furniture did hold up pretty well despite our banging around. And the highlight of it all.....after shifting the humongously GREY and BORING wardrobe that had been fastidiously kept in the same position (as were the other furniture).....we revealed an astonishingly lovely LAVENDER coloured wall that brightened the room up immediately!!!

Kudos to his mom with the eye for such a colour. Although I don't think it is a usual shade for a guy's bedroom.... :S But nevertheless, I LOVE IT!! haha..especially since the frequency of illegal weekends have increased. heh heh.

Okay pictures pictures!



Unveiling the awesomely coloured wall...and a thick carpet of 25 year old dust!

Yup..that was only part of the very substantial amount of dust cleared that day!


Isn't it amazing what colour can do?! And that was just one out of the 4 walls. Which was frankly, quite enough of lavender haha. The other 3 walls were spray painted with egg-freckles on a cream base.

Well, of course we didn't just started shifting furniture on a whim. That 2 feet space beside the bed was artfully-planned out in preparation for better things to come. I only just found out that my older bro threw out his 1 year old Queen-sized mattress for a new one because it was too soft.  Pfft!!! Seriously!!

Too soft!!! That won't be an issue for me!! (in the near future at least..i hope) And poor unvertically-challenged WL has been squeezing on his 20 year old tilam all these years. So, of course, it didn't take a genius to come to the most economical and logical solution.

Can't wait for the new chestnut-coloured bedframe to arrive!! And we get to throw that whole grey cupboard/bedframe thingy FINALLY. *Major sense of satisfaction*

Don't think we'll be getting a place of our own until the next 5 years - unless we get a resale flat - since we're really keen on new flats and not that in a rush. So, i'd say this is a really nice and much-needed investment for the overworked/under-rested BF.
