Tuesday, July 27, 2010

1st Class Boyfriend

Thank you for listening to my extended jobless woes today despite your late working hours..i'm glad that at least you called.

I think if left to me, myself and i, I would have already cried myself blind from self-pity and despondency.

Times like these make me miss hall like crazy. At least when we were there, i could have you all to myself. ♥
A skinny shoulder but nevertheless, still a shoulder to lean on whenever i'm sad, drunk or just plain bored. :)

Stop Crying Your Heart Out

Hold up... hold on... don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile (may your smile) shine on (shine on)
Don't be scared (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm

 'Cause all of the stars have faded away
Just try not to worry, you'll see them someday
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

- Oasis

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Heard this a while back on the radio, and then subsequently a similar version in Glee. I've always loved songs related to rainbows, like The Rainbow Connection (ok can't remember any others right now haha)

But this version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow really stuck in my head for a while. Jason Castro is awesome (and cute)! I also like his other hit - Let's Fall in Love Again. Oh well. Must be the ukelele.

P.S. Dear Lord, I think it's dragging a wee bit long now. Pls let my efforts not be fruitless - 50th application and counting - or at the very least, tell me where i'm doing wrong! I would very much like to change the topic on my blog soon.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Friday, July 9, 2010

Commencement 2010!

I'm so glad I was from Bizad. Haha it rhymes lol..

Anyway, yesterday was my Commencement! Like finally!! I guess I was one of those who tried to 'tuo' college life until it couldn't be 'tuo-ed' anymore..(actually not really. i got the email for honours offer this year..haha)

I wouldn't trade anything to have been in this faculty instead of any others. Sure, i screwed up most of the finance and DSC modules, but I really enjoyed most of the marketing modules and projects and my year 1 MNO courses. (The level 2/3 mno profs were quite stupid). And of course, not to mention the many perks being in Bizad:
  1. $5 Movie deals like every 2 months
  2. A really awesome and pretty indepth Career Service (at least for internship)
  3. Expansive opportunities for SEP (i think its the fac that ties in with the most countries)
  4. Plenty of Case Competition opportunities (if you dare)
  5. 10am (onwards) lessons
  6. Flexible module programmes
  7. Super short distance to KR (like wake up at 945am still 1st in class kind)
  8. Really fun people
  9. Really beautiful people
  10. Who can count and write and speak well
There's many many more, but i'll stop at 10. What's not to like in a faculty like this?! And as proof of my awesome faculty, here are the pictures taken at my really beautiful Commencement Ceremony - Just the way i imagined it. :)

During the Ceremony:

Poppin' out of the sea of penguins..

Meghna and Madhuri VJ/Bizad Twins! Coincidentally the oldests wore pants and the hip younger halves wore skirts underneath. 

After Ceremony:
Super happy/surprised at the HUGE bouquet of sunflowers (Bright, bright, bright, future) i got by the best bf!! Carry until my arms ache today.

We actually lasted 20 years studying in the same institutions! Almost can't believe this is the end of it!

To the best and greatest mother on Earth: Thanks for everything!! Unlimited $$, free rides in the car anywhere and anytime, infinite patience for our bf (or lack-there-of) woes, and open acceptance of them, awesome home-cooked food, and incessant worrying when we were in hall/overseas, etc. Thanks for laying down 20 years of your life for us..we couldn't have done it without you and our as-Awesome Pa who was unfortch away on biz trip. 

And i REALLY love this pic to bits! :)

Graduating batch..you can't miss any Bizader as long as you go to school! I think i know at least 75% of my faculty batch with a mix of yr 3s!
And i finally got to throw my hat! Not just once, but 3 times with diff grps of pple.

More camwhoring at the I Was Here @ UCC!


A Block rocks!! :)

 forever and ever!

Hokay!!! It's been such a long and pic-heavy post!! Guess what else happened to end off this gorgeous day??


A FULL Rainbow right outside my house just as we were going out for the Post-Commencement Biz Party!! (Yes, there was a free grad dinner @ Raffles and they hired Daniel Ong from 98.7fm as the Emcee. Damn zai..but that's a story for another day.. haha)

Couldn't have gotten any better than this. :) Alrighty, time to end off now and go to bed! Fever from the havoc but crazily fun day yest..lol give and take!

Good Night!