Thursday, October 29, 2009

This is the BOOMZ era!

Here are some VW Octoberfest/Sausage BBQ and random Crazy Pics this month...What to do when ur company is such great company?! :)

Happiness is having great colleagues. :)

Goodbye October!

And...October is ending!! Like how freaking fast...

I know, i know, i havent' been updating..believe me when i say it's been a CRAZY month and it's not even over yet!! Not supp to be blogging during office hours haha but i just had to at least post sth this month before it disappears like *poof*!

So here's my schedule for this week (ya boring stuff but i'll need to remember this nx yr when i go back to sch and have boring lessons and projects alloveragain):

Monday: Choir rehearsal after work
Tuesday: Work late
Wednesday: Culture Night Performance (DEBUT perf for me!) after work
Thursday: Event after work + Chingay Costume Fitting
Friday: Event after work + Night Cycling till morning
Saturday: New Beetle Launch!!! (Definitely a must-go!)
Sunday: New Beetle Launch!!!

Oh Yeah. My life rocks la. Totally squeezin' the juice outta my youth right. haha..well. Can't say i ain't lovin' it except the eyebags part.

Okay shall put up my department's Octoberfest/Sausagefest BBQ pics soon!!!